CBD products: Natura Vitalis is once again the best manufacturer in Europe
CBD products: Natura Vitalis is once again the best manufacturer in Europe
"Top Shop 2021" quality seal for Natura Vitalis
Since the beginning of the pandemic more than a year ago, the numbers of video consultations have skyrocketed.
Whether classic food fasting, juice cures or abstaining from individual foods such as chocolate or alcohol - fasting is a trend that is pronounced in many forms.
Dietary fibres have their name for a reason. Because they are not ballast, but indispensable for good health.
When spring comes, we feel the urge to get really active. The sun's rays and warmer temperatures finally entice us back into nature. Unfortunately, in many cases our body objects and nags us with the notorious spring fatigue.
Women and men often have different risk factors for disease development, disease progression and treatment risks. Gender medicine focuses on gender-specific research and treatment of diseases.
Overweight and obesity can also reduce quality of life and general well-being and increase the risk of serious illness. One problem: processed foods accompany us at every turn.
Our heart does hard work: on average it beats around 100,000 times every day, keeps all our bodily functions going and pumps 7,000 litres of blood through the vascular system every day, supplying organs and muscles with oxygen and nutrients.
The health care system is becoming increasingly digital - and now preventive health care is also to become more digitalised.